Your Complete Guide To ERA Cycle

Blogs Your Complete Guide To ERA Cycle

Table Of Content

What is ERA Cycle? Let’s Take An Overview of The ERA Cycle & Understand it’s Concept Better
What Are The 3 Key Stages for The ERA Cycle?
How Does ERA Cycle Work?
Now Let’s Break The 3 Stages Into Sessions To Understand Them Better
ERA Cycle Reflection of a Nurse Framework Example
  • Stage 1: Experience in ERA Cycle Nursing Practice
  • Stage 2: Reflection In Era Cycle Nursing Practice
  • Stage 3: Action In ERA Cycle nursing practice
Era Cycle Of Reflection Model


Find Solutions of your queries

What are the disadvantages of ERA cycle?

ERA Cycle is a very useful reflective model for people of various fields. However, there are still plenty of disadvantages to this reflective model as well. Like inputs being counted as outputs, most people think it just requires too much time, even for 3 simple stages. Engagement from other people majorly lacks in this ERA cycle.

What is the difference between Kolb’s reflective model and ERA Cycle?

Kolb’s reflective model is one of the most famous models used by many practitioners and students casually and is known as the best model among others. However, while the eras cycle is no less than Kolb’s reflective model, one major difference is the number of stages both of these models have Kolb’s reflective model is composed of 4 key stages, while the ERA cycle is composed of 3 stages only.

What does ‘E’ in ERA Cycle stands for?

The ‘E’ in the ERA C cycle stands for experience; it is the very first stage of the cycle where you take a trip to memory lane and recall past events regardless of their quality. If they were good or bad. This is what the ERA cycle is for.

What are the 3 key stages in ERA cycle?

The ERA cycle stands for these 3 key stages:

  • E = Experience.
  • R = Reflection.
  • A = Action.

Who developed the ERA cycle?

The ERA Cycle was developed by Melanie Jasper back in 2013. It was first introduced in the book titled “Beginning of Reflective Model.” Which was also written in the same year as when it was published. Just like other reflective models, the key components for this reflective model are also to acknowledge several practices from past events for a better future.

How can I bring ERA Cycle into practice?

The era cycle consists of 3 keys stages experience, reflection and action. In order for you to bring these 3 stages into your practice. You must implement couple of questions in your experience in relevancy to these questions. Each question will trigger a rational and logical answer to that question of reflection.

Keats Lathen

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Students, we Introduce you to Keats Lathen, she is an academic writer with vast knowledge and years of experience in various fields. Miss. Lathen has won multiple awards for her brilliant writing performance and is professionally known as the lead writer for UK AssignmentGuru. Her great attention to detail credential is significant for student’s project writing.