Kolb Reflective Cycle

Blogs Kolb Reflective Cycle

Table Of Content

An Overview Of Kolb's Reflective Model
The 4 Key Stages of The Model:
  • Concrete Stage
  • Reflective Observation
  • Conceptualization Of The Abstract
  • Active Experimentation
Other Ways to Approach Kolb’s Reflective Cycle
  • Stage 1: Diverging (Feeling & Watching)
kolb reflective cycle


Find Solutions of your queries

What is the purpose of Kolb's reflective cycle?

Kolb’s reflective model was established to help practitioners learn from their past mistakes and understand what had gone wrong to come up with a better understanding of solutions for tomorrow in case of face a similar situation.

When was Kolb’s reflective cycle originated?

The cycle was introduced in 1984 in his book named ”Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning & development.”

How many stages are in Kolb’s reflective cycle?

The Kolb’s model of reflection includes 4 stages:

  1. Concrete Stage
  2. Reflective Observation
  3. Abstract Conceptualization
  4. Active Experiment

What is the 4th stage of Kolb's reflective cycle?

The 4th stage of the model is also the last stage which is active experimentation. In this stage, a practitioner finally brings new insights and newly gained knowledge about past experiences into execution.

How can I gain an insight into Kolb’s reflective cycle?

If you scroll above, you will read through our blog covering all of the major components of this cycle with all the key stages and their objectives.

What is an overview of Kolb’s reflective cycle?

Kolb's reflective cycle was originally introduced back in 1984 through the publishment of his book “Experiential Learning: experience as a Source of Learning and Development.” The cycle allows practitioners to deeply reflect upon the past to understand the fiasco.

Keats Lathen

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Students, we Introduce you to Keats Lathen, she is an academic writer with vast knowledge and years of experience in various fields. Miss. Lathen has won multiple awards for her brilliant writing performance and is professionally known as the lead writer for UK AssignmentGuru. Her great attention to detail credential is significant for student’s project writing.